Severe Weather — Claims Assistance and Tips
If severe weather has been forecasted or you have been impacted by storms or floods we’ve shared safety guidelines and claims tips you can follow to help reduce the risk of damage and ensure a smooth recovery. Our Brokers and Claims Advisers are here to help. If you need any support or claims assistance, please call us on 0508 768 428.

The Rothbury claims service
Rothbury takes great pride in providing all of our clients with expert advice from our highly experienced claims staff. Our combined knowledge and contacts enable us to strive to achieve the very best outcome with every claim we handle.
When we receive your claim notification, we will assist and advise you regarding the scope of your cover and pass the information to the Insurer. We will monitor and manage your claim, keeping you informed regularly, ensuring your best interests are represented until the claim is closed.
You can also start your claim via My Rothbury App. Our free smartphone app will send you updates on your claim and gives you instant access to your insurance information.